Don’t feel sorry for Meg Whitman. A swift kick out the door for pandering to Proph8ers that dares not speak it’s name.
Prop 8 not withstanding really glad to be in California again. (as usual with NY being among the few other modern places to live in the hemisphere.) Is it modern that i keep having the urge to gloat about the election to Meg Whitman. This mailing piece got to me the last possible day before…
John McCain’s (Kerry-esque) gay marriage doubletalk a chance to change debate.
“I think gay marriage should be allowed if there’s a ceremony kind of thing if you want to call it that. I don’t have any problem with that…I think private ceremonies are fine. I do not think gay marriage should be legal.” –John McCain (via: Towleroad) This double speak from McCain is what could lose…
Part 1: Gay Marriage. 1963 vs. 2006 Tips for finding one
The cover of the June 1963 issue of One magazine “The Homosexual Viewpoint” reads LET’S PUSH HOMOPHILE MARRIAGE. The poncey illustration is worth a click to the permalink page, as are the tips for finding and keeping a man. (Are the tips totally dated? You decide.) Though i’m pretty familiar with the homo timeline, current…