Fantasy sports leagues? New Jersey Net Comes Out of the Closet?
It’s all over the internet. This would be huge in that although the gays are everywhere somehow major league sports has kept the closet doors on tighter. Speculation of course through the blogs. I was always suspect of all the guys playing “fantasy” sports.
UCLA Taser Video
This thing is so scary and hard to believe only 2 miles from where i live. It’s another state. The hope is in the way the students went toward the violence to witness it and obviously with some belief they could do something about it. In too many parts of the world, the intelligent the…
We’re back. Working in a bipartisan fashion, with a caveat.
In case anyone noticed, we were down for 5 days from an attack by an outsider or one of the many sites co-hosted on my server at the host. It might have been my unpublished post about how i look forward to working in a bipartisan manner with Republicans just as soon as we impeach…
John McCain’s (Kerry-esque) gay marriage doubletalk a chance to change debate.
“I think gay marriage should be allowed if there’s a ceremony kind of thing if you want to call it that. I don’t have any problem with that…I think private ceremonies are fine. I do not think gay marriage should be legal.” –John McCain (via: Towleroad) This double speak from McCain is what could lose…
Craigslist: Capitalist Tool. Cr(t)aigslist: Biz travel hack.
It’s not Forbes magazine. It’s neo -hippy -do -good -won’t -ipo -customer-focused -san-francisco -kook -free-speech -of-a-business that’s changing offline small business as much as any online entity. Thanks to Craigslist, I just rented my little backhouse in a single day for the third time in five years, at my asking price with plenty of back-up…
Out mag’s redesign highlights new editor, reader relationship
Over at Towleroad.com they’re discussing Out magazine’s redesign. (Disclosures**) After two warm up issues, the new editor, Aaron Hicklin, is breathing life into the old guy. Though it’s stayed the most read gay magazine for 13 years, it’s had a tough time staying “must read.”*** Hicklin started nicely and from a tough position. I’ll reserve…
RSS feeds. Grazr: Hope you have a few hours.
Check out the RSS reader at the bottom of the sidebar. Feeds chosen by Duncan Rawlinson of The Last Minute Blog Incredible. A zeitgeek bonanza…and giving me more ideas for compiling my own. Beware.
YouTube and Broadcast.com: Learning from Mark Cuban
The Quote: Only a ‘moron’ would buy YouTube –Mark Cuban (CNET reported) The Lesson: Mark Cuban has started, supported and owned many wonderful things. There’s a lot to admire and emulate. (No, really. Click that link to Long Tail blog’s list from last year.) I do think particularly highly of his willingness to say things,…
You can try to find love for free! (Canceling) Match.com sucks no more!
Before Ah, I remember my close call with Match.com and their 72-hour Memorial Day promotion as if it were yesterday. I almost signed up, but at the last minute noticed the small print saying the only way to get out of the “free” trial with the “free” intact would be to send a telegram or…
Part 1: Gay Marriage. 1963 vs. 2006 Tips for finding one
The cover of the June 1963 issue of One magazine “The Homosexual Viewpoint” reads LET’S PUSH HOMOPHILE MARRIAGE. The poncey illustration is worth a click to the permalink page, as are the tips for finding and keeping a man. (Are the tips totally dated? You decide.) Though i’m pretty familiar with the homo timeline, current…